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A chess prefab for VRChat SDK3 worlds, powered by Udon, written in C# using UdonSharp Featuring: - Fully synced board - Standard mode with legal move checking and game over states - Support for castling, pawn promotion and en passant - Synced timer with an automatic side switching option - Anarchy mode to remove move checking, and allow piece spawning/deleting
Requirements: The latest release of EmyChess is made to work with a project created with the VRChat Creator Companion ( https://vcc.docs.vrchat.com/ ), with the latest World SDK (>3.4.0) installed! If you're on older SDK versions, try using an older version! Installation: 1. Import the Unity package inside the project 2. Drag the EmyChess prefab from Packages/EmyChess/Runtime on the scene 3. Position and scale as desired Alternatively, import my VCC Repository ( https://emymin.net/vpm-listing/ ) to the VRChat Creator Companion or ALCOM, and install the EmyChess package!
This prefab is released under an open source license, find out more at the GitHub page: https://github.com/emymin/EmyChess This is currently a BETA release, make sure to report any issues, contributions are also welcome!